The Flood Of Soy Into YOUR Body: The 5 Most Dangerous Reasons Not To Eat Soy
/So you might be thinking, “But isn’t SOY good for me”?
I thought the same thing years ago when I stood in line at the deli purchasing my Soy Chips…feeling proud that I was making what I thought was a “healthy” choice.
With all the hype on TV, in magazines and on the internet, it is no wonder we are so confused. The sad thing is that the Soy Industry is a huge money making business that is not concerned with your health.
…BTW, research shows that 99% soy industry is genetically modified and most contaminated by pesticides of any of our foods. I personally don’t want to be a “human” test rat for the effects of genetically modified foods.
Wait a minute, Danyelle, the Chinese ate soy for centuries and are considered healthy…
The truth is guys…
The Chinese did NOT eat the type of soy YOU eat today…
Despite the propaganda, according Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, the soybean was considered unfit to eat- even in Asia. During the Chou Dynasty (1134-246 BC) the soybean was ONLY used in supplying the soil with nitrogen. In Asia, the soybean did not serve as a food until they discoverd fermentation.
What is fermentation?
…It is a process used to preserve food before there were refrigerators, freezers, or canning.
It works like this, you have a vegetable or fruit, and it is converted to lactic acid by friendly lactic-acid producing bacteria. Lactic acid is a natural preservative that inhibits putrefying bacteria. Friendly bacteria like lactobacilli, a bacteria covers all living things, including YOU!
The fermentation process increases and enhances digestion of your foods and your ability to absorb more vitamins which helps you digest better, increases the good bacteria in your gut, helps you break down your foods, and enhances your immune system. MOST of our soy today is not fermented like that of the first soy foods seen in the Chou Dynasty, unless you buy miso, tempeh, natto, or soy sauce that has been fermented.… FYI, they weren't genetically modified like today’s soybean, either. Just because it is an Organic Soybean, doesn’t mean it has not been genetically modified.… Make sure that if you are going to eat fermented soy products it says Organic and NO GMO!
Asians consumed soy products only in small amounts such as condiments but did not replace it for animal foods. There is one exception to the rule: celibate monks living in monasteries did lead a vegetarian lifestyle and found soy foods very helpful because they decreased their libido.…something most people in our culture want to enhance, not decrease.
Here are 5 of the TOP reasons you will want to avoid soy that I want to share with you.
5 Most DANGEROUS Reasons Why NOT To Eat Soy:
1. Blocks Your Ability To Digest Protein
Soy was only eaten in its fermented state in Asia because the “natural toxins” in the soybean block enzymes (trypsin) that help YOU digest protein. Therefore, all this hype about “soy protein” is bogus because it inhibits the exact enzyme that breaks down protein. Your body can’t receive the protein unless there are enzymes that can break down the protein into microscopic tools that YOUR body can use.… What this means to YOU is that you could experience SERIOUS gastic distress (bloating, gas, constipation, diaherra), reduced protein digestion, and chronic deficiencies in your ability to absorb protein, and cancer of the pancreas due to eating soy.
2. Decreases YOUR ability to LOSE Weight
Soy contains goitrogens- substances that depress thyroid function. Goitrogens can interfere with the absorption of iodine. When your thyroid is depressed YOU gain weight. Could that be why we are also seeing huge increases in hypothryoidism since soy contains these goitrogens that affects YOUR Thyroid functioning…
3. Creates Mineral Deficiencies in YOUR body
Soybeans are high in phytic acid, a bran or hulls of all seeds, legumes, and nuts. These phyates are the highest in soybeans. This means that long, slow cooking will not reduce these phyates. Fermentation will ONLY significantly reduce phyate levels in the soybean. The phyates block YOUR ability to absorb calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, and especially zinc.
I had a client that was diagnosed with anemia. I suggested that she come off soy. As soon as she did her iron levels resumed to normal levels.
4. YOUR “Energy Bars”, imitation meat, and dairy contain Soy Protein Isolate
According to Sally Fallon, Soy Protein Isolate is an “antinutrient”. You will find Soy Protein Isolate foods that imitate meat and dairy, baby formulas, and some brands of soy milk.
Why is it so “BAD”?
You could never make this product in your own home because it requires an alkaline solution to remove the fiber from the soybean, then an acid wash, and finally it needs to be neutralized in an alkaline solution.
How Gross!
-This process needs to be done at extremely high temperatures so it denatures the protein in the soy. That is why animals on soy feed need lysine supplements for normal growth.
– There are still high phytic acid levels remaining in Soy Protein Isolate even after being exposed to high temperatures so Soy Protein Isolate affects your ability to absorb zinc and iron. This inability results in the development of enlarged organs (especially the pancreas and thyroid glands).
5. Increases YOUR Risk for CANCER
Did you know that today, the Japanese and Asians have higher rates of esophogus, stomach, pancreas, liver, and thyroid cancer? In laboratory rats, soy causes these types of cancers.
There is so much more that I could say about this…so stay tuned.
I know I will not be touching soy because of all of it’s damaging affects on the body…I will not be flooding my body with this dangerous food.
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Danyelle Demchock is a Certified Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach, and Founder of Inner Clarity Wellness Inc., who creates tailor-made nutritional and exercise programs that help women with digestive issue, gluten intolerance, chronic fatigue, and weight loss. She has helped women successfully lose inches, eliminate digestive issues, and increase boost their energy. Her website is
I would love to hear from you so please Contact Me with your comments or questions :-).
To Your Health,